Friday, February 7, 2020

The Soul of Life and the 3 Domains of Life Science

The Soul of Life and the 3 Domains of Life ScienceIt is no secret that science can be just as important to your life as the art of the creative, and that we should not let personal life is dictated by what we do not understand. From microbiology to biology, life science, to plant science, and all around, science has seen tremendous development in the last century.But, I ask you, what about life science? I am talking about biology. Biology. Biology is much more than just genetics, or pathology.Most scientists will tell you that the study of life is one of the highest expressions of human emotions. In the 21st century, evolution is one of the most important stories, the story of life on earth. How we came to be the beautiful, passionate creatures that we are, is just one of the many important questions that science has answered. Nature is important, the earth is important, but it is evolution that matters, and that tells us that even the smallest organisms are contributing to the growt h of man.If we're truly going to push on all of the frontiers of life science, we should have at least one different discipline. Why not biology? It has it all. It can explain the evolution of life and even show us how the cells came to be organized into millions of living organisms. I even have a theory about how it is done, but that can wait.We are not discussing the life science of genetics or even the mechanisms of a cell. The soul of life is indeed evolving.As I said, this is not an art museum. The art of the world, in a sense, is life. It has been since the first living creature saw the light of day, right?Science is not just for men and women with bodies of iron. The soul of life, the study of evolution, is just as important as the study of art.

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